1. Introduction Welcome to baba-seo.com. This website is operated by Baptiste Hausmann and offers search engine optimization (SEO) freelancing services, insights, and opinions on various SEO-related topics.

2. Services Description Baba SEO provides specialized SEO services tailored to individual client needs. These services include, but are not limited to, website analysis, keyword research, content optimization, SEO strategy development, and SEO Coaching. Each service engagement will be subject to a separate agreement detailing the scope, duration, and terms.

3. Use of Website and Content The content provided on baba-seo.com, including blog posts and articles, is for informational purposes only and represents the personal views and opinions of Baptiste Hausmann in the field of SEO. Users are permitted to read, download, and share the content for non-commercial purposes, provided that Baba SEO is appropriately credited.

4. Intellectual Property Rights All content on baba-seo.com, including text, graphics, logos, and images, is the property of Baptiste Hausmann or is used with permission and may not be reproduced, modified, or used without explicit consent, except as provided in these terms.

5. User Obligations Users of baba-seo.com are expected to use the website and its content respectfully and legally. Any form of harassment, use of offensive language, or inappropriate behavior on the website, particularly in comment sections of blog posts, will not be tolerated.

6. Liability and Disclaimer While efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of information on baba-seo.com, Baptiste Hausmann does not guarantee the validity or completeness of the content. Baptiste Hausmann will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of the website. The website may contain links to external sites, for which Baptiste Hausmann has no responsibility.

7. Privacy Policy Refer to the website’s Privacy Policy for information on how personal data is collected, used, and protected.

8. Changes to Terms and Conditions Baba SEO reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. Users will be notified of significant changes through the website or via email.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction These Terms and Conditions are governed by Dutch law. Any disputes related to these terms will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Netherlands.

10. Contact Information For any inquiries or issues related to these Terms and Conditions, please contact Baptiste Hausmann at letsgrow@baba-seo.com.